Thursday, December 10, 2009

Penis Envy

One thing you learn by writing for Cosmo is just how many people read Cosmo. Ex-girlfriends, older aunts, former elementary school teachers, and Jezebel... Jezebel reads Cosmo.

I learned this when I got called out by name after they ripped the December issue, which featured my contribution to their "What it feels like..." feature, to shreds. I was tasked with explaining to Cosmo readers "What it feels like... to be inside a woman." This proved to be a much more challenging task than I expected, given the research I'd been conducting since age 17.

The most alarming thing about the Jezebel post was that they gave my wife the impression that I had a girlfriend. While I tried to clear up that misunderstanding, I tried to remind myself of that old Hollywood maxim, "I don't care what they say about me, as long as they spell my name right."

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

File under "lesser jihad"

Vice UK's editor Andy Capper and I recently spent some quality time in East London with Anjem Choudary and his group Al Muhajiroun, the folks behind the provocative Islam4UK. To watch the video, click here.