Friday, July 13, 2007


I (heart) N.Y. Shirt, in Arabic.


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Friday, July 6, 2007

You're like a cyclone

So my attempt to see the hot dog eating championship at coney island was foiled by time mismanagement. Still, my pals Ky, Holiday, Juhi, and myself had a grand time of multiple rides on the Cyclone and wonder wheel and stuffing ourselves with delightfully unhealthy food.

After I woke from a coma-like sleep (I rode in on the train directly from pne of the busiest nights ever at the bar, with no time for sleep), Ky and I took in the fireworks on the Brooklyn rooftop of some Maxim folks. Eerie and delightful. After that we drank lots o booze and played some guitar hero in someone's apartment where this obnoxious girl was excitedly singing every word of every song of the band blaring on the stereo... Her own band. I thought to myself, "Pro Tools works wonders."

Most of the next day was spent pretending I was Ky's roomate. He worked away at his computer while I read Rhona Jaffe's The Best of Everything lying on the couch. Good book this far, sort of a 1950s Sex in the City.

After a late lunch and shoe shopping with Juhi (me, not her), Ky and I headed into Manhattan and began downing whiskey at a bar called Von. Eventually, the alluring and mysterious Ryan Thomas joined us. She is intimidating and stimulating to talk to about art and architecture. Also, she has the most striking nose of all time. I want to kiss it.

Eventually we reconvened with Juhi at Freeman's and had some killer cocktails that pushed me over the edge. All I remember is crowning Ryan the new Camille Paglia as I feasted on trout, hearts of palm, and other delights. She wasn't so taken with the title.


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